Booming India

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gender Roles

There exist many feminists and women pushing for women's rights in India. India's view's on gender roles are still considered backward compared to the Western society. The role of each gender in Indian society is one that is unreasonable in religion and culture and makes for a harsh tradition in the country.
There's many factors that are presented to the oppression of women in India; these include geographical locations throughout the country, education, and economic and religious reasons. Usually the women suffer from a low social status compared to the men and are sometimes treated poorly. But on the other hand women are revered in Hindu practices with many ceremonies dedicated to them, but Indian society and laws still fail to treat women with equal rights as men.
A boy is allowed to walk away after finishing his dinner without being asked to help out to clean up. But, when a girl leaves the very same way, she is criticized, admonished and in some cases, scolded or even beaten for disobeying.
In rural areas, the gender differences stare at you face like an innocent child. It is unbelievable how the ladies do not have self-respect themselves when it comes to fighting for their rights. Most of the women there are not even aware of their rights. It is not a rare sight to see husband beating up his wife, drunk and after a while she is happily serving him dinner! 

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